Please view FAQ below and the links at right for information on various medical and safety documents. Please email Keri Jones with any questions.
Health and Safety. If there is no thunder present, can I get struck by lightning?
From the website: How Stuff Works:
“And the deal really is that simple: If you do hear thunder, you’re absolutely at risk for a lightning strike. That is, you’re as at risk for a lightning strike as one ever is.”
“A lightning bolt can travel a great distance. Strikes have even been known to occur 25 miles from the bolt’s cloud of
Health and Safety. What’s the big deal if a kid hangs on a goal?
Between 1979 and 2017, there have been 42 deaths and 59 injuries involving soccer goals.
Please read the materials on Goal Safety using the links at right.
Health and Safety. How much water should I drink when it’s hot outside?
If you took a lean, 180-pound body and drained all of the water from it, you’d be left with about 55-pounds (USYS Document on Hydration).
This document, as well as others are on the Heat Related Links at right, and have good information on how to treat Heat Related training and injuries.